Huddle Magazine



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7 14 0 0 21

1° Quarto | 2° Quarto | 3° Quarto | 4° Quarto

Morichi kicks from D30 to L08, Pazak returns 19 yards (D'Eramo)
LIONS Lio in as qb, Bucciol on the bench without shoulder pads
1-10-L27 Tharp rush right, 5 yards (Leonardi, Aldrovandi)
2-5-L32 Tharp rush right, 12 yards (Viola) first down
1-10-L44 Shotgun, Lio pass to Rocchetti, 14 yards (Tondini) first down
1-10-D42 Shotgun, pass incomplete to Rocchetti (Aldrovandi)
2-10-D42 Tharp rush middle, 12 yards (Leonardi) first down
1-10-D30 Tharp rush left, -3 yards (Viola, Koivisto)
2-13-D33 Tharp rush right, 2 yards (Ventura)
3-11-D31 Shotgun, Lio pass incomplete to Pazak
4-11-D31 Gennaro field goal (47 yards) is wide left
1-10-D31 Mc Intosh rush right, 19 yards (Donnini) first down
1-10-50 Shotgun, Fox pass incomplete to Piva
2-10-50 Shotgun, Mc Intosh rush middle, -2 yards (Magni)
3-12-D48 Fox pass to Panzani intercepted by Donnini. Unadvertent whistle before the change of possession. Replay the down
3-12-D48 Fox pass to Capodaglio, 14 yards (Guerini) first down
1-10-L38 Mc Intosh run right, - 1 yards (Gennaro, Rimlawi)
2-11-L39 Fox pass incomplete to Piva (Sangenette)
3-11-L39 Fox pass to Capodaglio, 14 yards(Nessi M.) first down
1-10-L25 Fox pass to Capodaglio, 6 yards (Pilenga)
2-4-L19 Mc Intosh rush left, 2 yards (Magni)
3-1-L17 Mc Intosh rush left, -3 yards (Bellora, Nessi)
4-4-L21 Fox pass incomplete to Piva
1-10-L21 Tharp rush right, 5 yards (Ventura)

1° Quarto | 2° Quarto | 3° Quarto | 4° Quarto